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Graphite loaded Sintered SIC (SSiC+C)



For the time being, the regular SIC material cannot meet the high demand of some dry applications. So we develop a new grade material called Carbon loaded Sintered SIC (SSiC+C) (contain 10% Carbon), which improve the self-lubrication and thermal conduction. This material is also featured by low coefficient of friction and improved coefficient of thermal expansion. So it combines the material advantage of SIC and carbon.


Typical Physical Property Sheet



Units Typical Value
Density g/cm³ 2.90~2.95
Hardness: knoop 2200
Free silicon content % 0.1

Flexural Strength:

4 pt @ RT

Mpa x10³lb/in² 200
Compressive Strength Mpa 2,200
Elastic Modulus GPa 400

Thermal Expansion:

RT to 400°C

10-6m/m/K 4.3x10-6

Temperature Limit:

Oxidizing Atmosphere

°C 1100